The 2nd Erasmus Language Café

The 2nd Erasmus Language Café took a place in “Morocco – House of Tea” in Guimarães. It is an amazing restaurant with a very nice atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made up of everything that makes an impression on people. The building design, décor,
interior color scheme, texture of the walls and service create an unforgettable atmosphere there.

We enjoyed a lot playing some games and practising dialogues, and… at the end of that we got really tired : -)

The topic of our meeting was „ being in a restaurant”. Some people brought dictionaries and books and other materials which helped us to have a conversation. We could rely on our native speakers, as well. Luis and Fernando – they are good “teachers” and very helpful amigos. Obrigado!

They are many kinds of delicious tea.  Unfortunately we have just tried a  few of them. It means we need to come back there. So, maybe another Language Café?

I think, it was a really good meeting! Obrigada!  See you on 11th of April. Take a rest and enjoy the Easter holidays!

Boas festas para todos  : -)

The first Erasmus Language Café

Now I can say… we did it together!!!

The first Erasmus Language Café took place on 21st of March at 9:30 p.m. in C.A.R in Guimarães. We were playing some language games and trying to have a conversation.

Do you see the bottle FULL OF CANDIES? It’s the red sign of erasmus language cafe. It’s going to be on the table during every meeting! 😉 So, if you see it… just join us!!!

Funny game to get to know each other: needed toilet paper. Each participant has to take some pieces of toilet paper. Than everybody, one by one, have to say about yourself as many sentences as he has pieces of paper. Of course… we spoke Portuguese language!

Luis – our native speaker. He helped us to speak correctly. OBRIGADA!

Yyy, aaa…. sim, sim tudo bem!!!

Chamo-me… E tu? Muito prazer! 🙂

Falo portuguese um pouco…

See you next meeting…

2nd Erasmus Language Cafe

when? 28th of March at 9:30 p.m. (Sunday)

where? Morocco – House of Tea. Address: Av. D.João IV, 1317 (nearby the train station)

Ready! Set! Go!

Join the ERASMUS Language Café!

Every week they want to meet in different cafes to practice the Portuguese language. They want to discuss the culture diversity. They want to discover new places. They come from all around the globe. Who are they? The ERASMUS Language Café Community in Braga and Guimarães. Join us!

What is a Language Café?

Language Cafés are being set up all over Europe and they are taking language learning in an exciting direction. It is a sociable and friendly way to practice languages, share cultural interests or just simply socialize. They can be found in all kinds of places such as cafés, libraries, cinemas, bookshops, pubs and restaurants and even online. The Language Café is funded by the European Community Socrates Lingua 1st programme. For more information please take a look on the  Language Café website.

How to join the ERASMUS Language Café?

Erasmus Language Cafés in Braga and Guimarães has been registered on the website as a part of the International Language Café culture. Language Café are not club so you don’t have to be a member in order to get involved. Simply show up at the time and place advertised and join the conversation.  Don’t worry about making mistakes in Portuguese language – everyone will be at different levels. Most of international students are beginners. It is also OK to just listen, because the main aim for everybody is to have a forum to practice language in a funny and unthreatening environment. Each time we meet we are going to play three or four games. There will be a topic (i.e. national cuisine, music, hobbies) based on the wishes of the participants, as well. Another idea for willing people is to present photos of their countries, travels or dreams. We want to have time to chat and drink and get to know each other. Do not be afraid to have a go!

So, let’s experience the new café culture together!

The first ERASMUS Language Café meeting will take place on 21st of March at 9:30 p.m. in C.A.R in Guimarães.

If you want to propose your ideas to improve that project or just to keep in touch with Erasmus Language Café activities send your name and contact details to the main café coordinator: