The end is near…

Dear friends,

“Never, never, never give up.”
W. Churchill

The project of Erasmus Language Café is almost done. I am getting to the end of my EVS project as well. It was a great experience for me to organize the ELC, to cooperate with you. I hope somebody will continue this idea in future, when I will be not here, when new EVS volunteers come, when new Erasmus arrive. Life is changing a lot! Furthermore, I have to be honest and say… before I decided to do it I was full of doubts: I didn’t speak Portuguese, I didn’t know nobody, I didn’t know any places to arrange it. Whatever, I made a decision to try on and I didn’t give up! And what now?
I want to say to everyone THANK YOU. Because this project wouldn’t exist without YOU!!! It is true!!!
Some of you have participated in Language Café every time. I am really impressed, but I want you to know that even if you were there just one time I remember You and I understand that not everything is for everybody. Maybe this project wasn’t exactly for you, anyway you have tried and you get to know it. It’s worth for me. Thanks this I learnt a lot also.

I could talk more and more : -) but this is not a point of that email.

On 1st of July (Thursday) I would like to organize the last meeting of Erasmus Language Café.

I propose to go for a dinner to typical Portuguese restaurant in the centre of Guimarães  and after that to go for a drink to C.A.R – the place where Langauge Café have started.

It could be great to see you there!!! Please let me know, as soon as possible how many of you would like to come for a dinner (I need to make a reservation). You can send me an email or sms, my phone nr 962 561 472.

Thank you once again and I wish for everybody the best!!!!
Keep in touch!!!
bjs & hugs

Ewelina Poleszak
EVS volunteer at Radio RUM & Cultur@rum
phone: 962 561 472

The 9th Erasmus Langauge Café

Never forget, every occasion is good to practise Portuguese language!!!

The 9th Erasmus Language Café  didn’t have an exact time and date… it happened wherever we were! Different situations, different people, open space, open mind, many opportunities to speak. Because life is the best teacher!!!

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